Please scroll down for Chef Alessandro Boglione’s complete menus at Enoteca Italiana, 14 to 17 September
From 14 September To 17 September
Enoteca Italiana, in collaboration with San Pellegrino , will host 4 gourmet evenings from 14 September to 17 September with guest Chef Alessandro Boglione. Only dinner form 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
Chef Alessandro has been awarded with 1 michelin star at his restaurant “Al Castello” at il Castello di Grinzane Cavour ( Cuneo, Piemonte ) from 2010 to 2016. He is considered one of the best young chefs in Italy. With a formation in some of the best restaurants in the world ( including “El Bulli” in the 1999 ), his cuisine is contemporary Mediterranean based on a simple cooking process. He doesn’t use butter, only excellent Extra Virgin olive oil, which he claims enhances the intrinsic flavors of his dishes.
He will presents two different five courses degustation menu at the price of 3,500++ THB. Wine paring at 1,500++ THB in collaboration with Gfour International
On Wednesday 14 September at 6:00 pm, we will organize a master class in our private room dedicated only to the media and Vip guests. Chef Alessandro will introduce some of his dishes and will answer to all the questions. It would be a great occasion to have a chat and interact with him.
Enoteca Italiana: operating since 2004, could be considered the real gastroniomic Italian restaurant in Bangkok. Well known for its creative modern style of cuisine and for the largest Italian wine list in town. It was awarded with Birra Moretti most Authentic Italian restaurant in Astrual-Asia, award part of 50 best.
Alessandro Boglione
Chef Alessandro is a classically-trained chef who defines his cuisine as contemporary Mediterranean – a cuisine based on a simple cooking process. He doesn’t use butter, only excellent Extra Virgin olive oil, which he claims enhance the intrinsic flavors of his dishes.
“ I like to respect the natural flavors of ingridients. To do so, I use the best products I can find in the market and then gently combine them. This is the essence of my cooking philosophy”
Chef Boglione is Italian born in 1972 in Bra, Piemonte, where his father owns one of the best pastries shops in the city. His love of cooking and baking started there
After he received his diploma in 1995 from hotel Administration and culinary Art in Mondovi ( Cuneo ), Piemonte, he sought out places that represented the “alta cucina” of Italy and Europe: Vissani **, Miramonti L’Altro**, Antica Osteria del Ponte***, El Bulli** *, and a score of others, including two stints at his family’s party shops, during which the shop was awarded the Italian best bar from the “ Gambero Rosso” guide.
In 2009 he opened his own restaurant il Castello inside a Historic treasure, The Castello di Grinzane di Cavour, where he was awarded with one Michel star in the 2010.
Since 2015 he is a international consulting for Lavazza.
Welcome from the Kitchen
Foie Grass, petto d”antra affumicato e gelato al frutto della passione
Foie gras, smoked duck breast, passion fruit ice cream
Terrina di bollito con spuma di bagnetto verde
Bollito Terrine with Green sauce foam
Umbrichelli con ragù di quaglia arrostita , fave e pecorino
Home made Umbrichelli with Quails ragu, pecorino cheese and fava bean
Scamone in crosta di nocciole con purea allo scalogno e tartufo nero
Fassona veal from Pedemont in Hazelnut crust, shallot puree, black truffle
Biscotto al vapore, composta di arancia e semifreddo al cioccolato bianco
Steamed cookie, orange compote, white chocolate frozen cream
Welcome from the Kitchen
Toast di tonno….
Tuna Toast
Cappasanta, riso nero agli agrumi e Culatello
Sea Scallop, citrus black rice, Culatello ham
Cappellacci di burrata, cozze e zafferano
Home made capellacci filled with burrata, mussels and saffron
San Pietro impanato al pan brioches, patate viola ai funghi secchi e tapenade di olive Taggiasche
John Dory in Pan Brioche crust, purple potatoes with dry porcini mushroom, taggiasche olive tapenade
Cialda di cannolo siciliano, zabajone al Marsala e frutti di bosco
Sicilian cannolo wafer, zabaglione and berries